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Ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free 



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Ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free. Download Ableton Live Suite 10.1.1 for FREE


A software music sequencer and digital audio workstation for Windows! Features and HighlightsCreateNo matter how you start your music, Live offers a workflow that will help you get going. Read More ». To make sure your data and your privacy are safe, we at FileHorse check all software installation files each time a new one is uploaded to our servers or linked to remote server.

Based on the checks we perform the software is categorized as follows:. This file has been scanned with VirusTotal using more than 70 different antivirus software products and no threats have been detected.

It's very likely that this software is clean and safe for use. There are some reports that this software is potentially malicious or may install other unwanted bundled software. These could be false positives and our users are advised to be careful while installing this software. It's very likely that this is software is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software.

Users are advised look for alternatives for this software or be extremely careful when installing and using this software. This software is no longer available for the download. This could be due to the program being discontinued , having a security issue or for other reasons. A software music sequencer and digital audio workstation for Windows. Ableton Live To keep our website clean and safe please report any issues regarding this download.

Key details about this download The file will be downloaded from author's server This file is safe and scanned with 70 antivirus apps All files are in original form. Please note that it is necessary to update the Komplete Kontrol software to its latest version in order for the Live integration to work. Pressing "ALT" while using the pinch gesture changes the track height. Entering Chinese, Korean or Japanese text now works correctly.

If the tracks are in a mixes state e. This also works when multiple Group Tracks are selected. The "Show All Tracks" functionality that was bound to the "S" key in the Arrangement has been removed. The "S" key can now be used to solo tracks in the Session and Arrangement instead. When invoking them again, the remembered view state is restored. Additionally, the respective buttons in Arrangement indicate whether a remembered state exists by changing their color.

When the Detail View is in focus, pressing "H" zooms in on the area from the lowest to the highest note in the clip. The behavior with multi-clip editing is also the same: notes in all edited clips are considered.

Pressing the "Z" key or clicking the View menu's "Zoom to Time Selection" command changes the height of selected content to fit the Arrangement View. The "X" key now allows zooming back out from the time selection. When zooming in multiple times using the "Z" key, the "X" key can be pressed multiple times to go back one step each time the key is pressed. In the Arrangement, when only a few notes exist within a MIDI clip, they now appear in a larger size. On Windows, Live now respects the Control Panel's "Choose how many lines to scroll each time" setting.

In the Arrangement Overview, clips now always appear in the same color as in the Arrangement. Single tracks now appear in a standby selection color, under certain circumstances. Until now, only multiple selected tracks were shown with a standby selection color, whereas single tracks were simply shown as unselected. The changes are as follows: when resizing an unselected track in the Arrangement, the track now appears as a standby selection.

This is consistent with the behavior in Session View. This applies to both the Session and Arrangement Views. Previously they were rendered too small or displayed UI glitches. On Windows, the cursor that indicates that a breakpoint can be added is now white.

Rubber-band selection now scales correctly on hi-dpi screens. The status bar text shown after selecting MIDI notes in the editor has been improved, so that if only one note is selected, it does not display that as a range anymore. Max for Live improvements Scale intervals can now be observed from Max for Live.

Additionally, it provides the ability to modulate delay time and filter frequency with a built-in LFO. When opening an older Set or Preset which used Simple or Ping Pong Delay, an upgrade button will appear on the Delay device used in place of the original devices. Introduced Channel EQ. Channel EQ is a three-band equalizer focused on immediacy. It is now possible to drop an audio file onto Wavetable's Oscillator tabs, and use it as a wavetable.

By default, the wavetable is processed and smoothed. However, Wavetable also provides a "Raw" decoding option. Please note that at this time encoded files e. Previously, these controls were exclusively available in Sampler.

In the Delay device, the maximum delay time offset is now consistent with the Simple Delay and Ping Pong Delay devices. When mapping a parameter to an empty macro, the macro assumes the full range of the target parameter, and will be set to the current value of the target parameter.

Push 2 New scales are visible on Push, and some existing scales have been renamed. Setup Improved the performance of drag and undo commands on interactions with automation envelopes. All plugin settings now appear in a dedicated "Plugins" tab in the Preferences.

Introduced system folders for VST3 plug-in scanning. Also added a button to the "Plugins" Preferences tab to enable and disable system folders. VST3 plug-ins are now scanned via a separate background process. Plug-ins that crashed during scanning no longer cause Live to crash. In addition, Live will not need to wait for the plug-in scan to finish in order to launch.

VST3 plug-in scanning now supports symlinks. For VST3 plug-ins with less than 65 parameters, the parameters are now auto-assigned after instantiation. Sidechain routings, Gain and Mix parameters are now displayed in third-party plug-ins in the Device View. Breakpoint values would erroneously be displayed behind insert markers. When using the smallest adaptive grid possible i. Automation Previously, CC messages received in a track input might erroneously affect a clip that is playing back on a different track, even if that track was not armed.

Also, Live no longer filters out "duplicate" CC messages. Automation segments and breakpoints would appear highlighted on frozen tracks, although automation cannot be edited in such cases.

In automation envelopes, the automation value display will no longer disappear after opening a context menu and moving the mouse above it. It was erroneously possible to set the insert marker or select time on a frozen automation lane. A crash could occur when loading a new Set after remote-mapping a Macro control in another track. Live Sets could become corrupt after duplicating a clip or a track containing a clip and then adding additional notes to one of the clips. Interface Improvements Creating a looping Arrangement clip containing MIDI notes and zooming out far enough would cause the clip content to suddenly appear as a black block.

Previously, when selecting all editable text within a field, a gap would appear to the left side of text. The mouse cursor would not change when attempting to resize clips in the Arrangement, if the Session View was playing back a clip on the same track.

Fixed a text glitch that occurred when displaying sample time values in Sampler or Simpler. Additionally, the Reverb device's Reflect and Diffuse parameter texts were cut off. Both bugs have been fixed. Fixed a bug which prevented existing Macros from connecting when grouping devices within a chain of an existing group device. Live would crash when using the "Delete Device" context menu item, while the device was being renamed.

Fixed a number of inconsistencies that would occur when an AU plug-in's parameter list changed, which could potentially leave a Live Set in a partially broken state. Automation When hovering over automation, the cursor now indicates that a mouse click would create a new breakpoint. Modulation envelopes of disabled warper parameter envelopes now appear grayed out. The state of the Lock Envelopes switch is now ignored when pasting track content to a frozen track, and when pasting automation.

This ensures that clips will sound the same when the track is unfrozen. When a Komplete Kontrol A device is connected, it is now automatically selected in the Preferences. Interface Improvements Improved Live's drawing performance. Previously for macro-mapped parameters, the modulation envelope would appear grayed out. Now, the automation envelope appears grayed out instead, since the modulation still has an effect on the mapped value, whereas the automation has not.

Unified the off-grid color indication for the vertical automation guide line and markers in the Arrangement and Detail View. Added minor graphics improvements for device chains.

Updated the Help View's table of contents and various info texts. Updated some info text translations. Fixed a crash that occurred when zooming to a time selection, deleting a track and zooming back. Previously, the Edit menu's "Cut Time", "Duplicate Time", and "Delete Time" commands would be incorrectly enabled when there was no time selection. A MIDI track would not be monitored during an Arrangement recording, after a clip's playback was stopped on the same track in the Session View.

Previously, unwarped samples dragged from the browser on top of other audio clips in the Arrangement would sometimes be arbitrarily shortened. Live could crash when clicking within proximity of an Arrangement locator. Automation Dragging the automation lane selection start to a negative time would change the selection to a content lane selection. Fixed broken clip envelopes created by the step automation feature on Push. When deleted via a parameter's context menu, a clip automation envelope's value line was displayed in the wrong color.

Fixed a bug which prevented dragging an automation breakpoint to 1. Previously, splitting and moving an automation envelope's left-most line segment would shift the segment to the right. Browser When a Collections label was assigned to a project folder, it would appear twice in the respective browser Collection. Fixed a bug which prevented drag-selecting a range of entries in the browser side bar.

Control Surfaces When using Drum Racks, nested devices would still display their visualization after the drum pad was selected in the device navigation area via the top row of buttons, on Push 2.

Only the choke group and tuning settings for the drum chain should be visible in that view. Fixed a bug where the message "Parameter The "Komplete Kontrol A" remote script will now be auto-selected on Windows even when the port name is prepended with a number. A crash might occur when undoing inserting e. File Handling In the File Manager, an Arrangement clip would be displayed multiple times under the same reference file.

When video output failed to render, a pop-up would appear with the message "Do you want to delete the rendered audio? Live could crash when using the Manage User Library feature, under certain circumstances. On Windows, if Live fails to overwrite a file during rendering, it will no longer crash.

Instead, it will use a different file name. Instead, the "Export" button is now grayed out. Fixed a crash that occurred when decoding an Ogg Vorbis file with more than two channels. Now, instead of crashing, Live will decode the first two channels as stereo, and ignore the other channels. The File Manager could fail to display anything after exiting the Manage Project tab without saving.

Interface Improvements Users of Apple's Magic Mouse would struggle to delete automation events with a single click. Added a minor UI fix for misaligned controls in plug-in racks in the Device View. Fixed truncated text in Wavetable's Modulation Matrix. Fixed misaligned text at high zoom levels.

On dial controls, the gap now appears where the needle is, instead of the current value point. In addition, a crash would occur when deleting a modulation envelope that was initially visible after loading a Live Set. This applies to shown and hidden VST windows. If multiple VST windows are being opened on a non-primary screen, they will be positioned in a cascaded way instead of in a seemingly random fashion. This matches the behavior on the primary screen.

The distance of cascaded VST windows' title bars is increased so that the whole title bar is visible. Fixed a bug which caused text to bleed from the browser into the Info View, as well as other similar glitches, when using the Zoom Display feature.

Fixed truncated text in the Saturator and Resonators devices. On macOS, the color of modifier icons and text in context menus now match. Under certain conditions, zooming on certain audio waveforms would cause the Arrangement View to jump around. Fixed a bug where the Arpeggiator device would play notes at half the set rate, when its Gate parameter was set to by entering the value with the keyboard.

Live could crash when loading certain Wavetable presets. ReWire Updated ReWire libraries to version 1. This fixes a problem where starting Live on macOS Fixed a crash that occurred after closing the error dialog informing about an unusable ASIO driver clock signal. On Windows, Live would sometimes crash while shutting down. Fixed a bug which caused Live to trigger security warnings on macOS Mojave version Fixes a bug which prevented Live from being completely bit compliant.

Edit commands for cutting, duplicating and deleting time work regardless of the current Arrangement content selection. These commands are also available if a selection exists exclusively in an automation lane. Added a "Create Fades" command to the context menu of Arrangement tracks. Automation Added a "Create Fades" command to the context menu of Arrangement tracks.

It is now possible to create and reset fades when clip content is selected in Automation Mode. Added "Clear Envelope" to the automation lane context menu and "Clear All Envelopes" to the Arrangement track header context menu. The horizontal movement of automation breakpoints creates horizontal gaps when dragging clips or nudging content or automation within a time selection. Introduced the "Snap Automation to Grid" menu option.

When enabled, automation breakpoints and segments snap to the global grid. When "Snap Automation to Grid" is disabled, the grid snapping modifier works intuitively, and a light blue vertical line indicates when the dragged breakpoint snaps to the next or previous gridline or breakpoint.

Browser Color labels are now stored in the same file system folder as the files they are attached to, which makes it easier to manage browser items and their assigned colors across different Live installations. Interface Improvements Font rendering is now more crisp at all zoom levels.

Improved the speed at which the Live interface updates. Introduced the Ableton Sans Small font, which is more readable at small sizes. This change generally increases readability of all text in Live. On Windows, Live uses the keyboard's repeat settings to determine the scroll speed of scroll bars.

Increased the contrast of the spectrum in EQ Eight across all Themes. Improved Wavetable's performance when playing simple sounds e. Added Groove Pool info text translations. Added and updated translations for various Help View lessons. Updated built-in lessons in the Help View. Creating fades on multiple tracks would result in one undo step per fade instead of a single undo step. Zooming by scrolling now works independently from the scroll direction set in the System Preferences macOS only.

Live no longer enforces a minimum length when resizing Arrangement clips. Additionally, fixed the following bugs which occurred when freezing a track containing muted clips: The frozen track would be silent in the area of the frozen clips, even if something should have been audible there.

Freeze tail clips could overlap with the muted clips. The message "Warp Marker segment BPM limit reached" would sometimes appear in the status bar when stretching Arrangement clips, even though the limit had not been reached. Previously, erratic scrolling would occur when there was only one Warp Marker set after "0" beat time. Also, jittering would occur when dragging and holding a Warp Marker while the grid was disabled. Autoscrolling will now always occur when dragging the loop marker to the right or the left outside the Arrangement.

Parameters that have no effect on the current Warp Mode are now correctly displayed as disabled in the Clip Envelope Control chooser. Before, it was only applied when either the fade-in end time or the fade-out start time were within the current time selection. Automation Deleting a breakpoint by clicking on it would accidentally move the breakpoint instead, when using a graphics tablet. The content selection of automation lanes is now restored after undo and redo operations.

Until now, only the content selection of the content lane was restored. Breakpoints can no longer be moved into negative time. Fixed some issues with VST and AU plug-in parameters, particularly where unconfigured parameters were heavily adjusted within the plug-in. Previously, fade handles could be edited using the mouse or keyboard, even after switching to Automation Mode, where the fade handles were not visible. Browser The Live browser would fail to see files from OneDrive folders. When installing factory packs the contained "Ableton Folder Info" folder would not be hidden until the next startup.

Fixed a crash that occurred when. Control Surfaces Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting a track while changing a parameter of that track via MIDI mapping. File Handling Fixed a bug where Live would incorrectly use a previous freeze sample instead of producing a new freeze sample after changing a device parameter.

Fixed a bug which prevented AU presets from recalling parameters correctly. Fixed a crash that might occur when trying to recover from a crash. Fixed a crash that occurred when closing Live while listed samples were selected in the File Manager.

Interface Improvements Live could crash when displaying a modal plug-in dialog. Previously when clicking the drop area of the Arrangement, the track highlight would either move back to where the time selection was last, or not move at all.

On Windows 10 with HiDPI enabled, the menu bar now works as expected if the main and second window are on screens with differing pixel densities. Waveform drawing would not work properly at certain zoom levels. On Windows, Live no longer crashes if the file dialog is shown for a long time. Live would freeze at startup when running on monitors with refresh rates above 60 Hz. Previously, "Show Modulation" would appear in the context menu of an Envelope Editor, if a Max for Live parameter with no modulation was selected in the Clip Envelope Control chooser.

In German, the text of the Export and Cancel buttons no longer overflows in the Render dialog. In the browser, the search field now has the right text color in the Dark theme. In the Groove Pool, the drop message is no longer split onto two lines.

In other places, text that appeared blurry in some buttons is now crisp again. On Windows, if you clicked a separator, the cursor would erroneously change back to a pointing cursor. On Windows, if using a screen with a refresh rate above 60 Hz, Live's UI would not draw smoothly and potentially lock up when loading certain plug-ins. Under certain circumstances, a Live Set could become corrupt due to an invalid Group Track structure.

On Windows, Live could crash while launching in cases where it failed to position itself on the screen. The playhead was no longer shown in the browser's Preview Tab. Added further improvements to the UI performance on Windows in cases where Live runs on monitors with a high refresh rate. Max for Live Live could crash when loading a Set, if a Max for Live device was mapped to a macro control. Frequency, Gain and Q are automated or modulated. Adjusting Wavetable's envelope slopes could cause the audio engine to become silent under certain conditions.

Live could crash when duplicating a track containing a Wavetable instance. Setup Fixed a bug which affected the way invalid denominator values in time signature changes were corrected once the "Enter" key was pressed. Previously, tracks created in Map Mode were not mappable. Live would not support ASIO interfaces with a single mono input channel.

Update various info text translations. Changes for Push It is now possible to fine-tune Wavetable oscillators on Push 1. Improved the performance of Push 2's display process. With some graphics cards running on Windows, the Push 2 display process might frequently run into crashes with certain GPUs. The copied automation will always land in the correct lane. Automation When nudging a time selection in an automation lane, the automation outside the selection remains unchanged.

Enabled vertical auto-scrolling when dragging an automation lane. Additional automation lanes are now unfolded by default. Improved the horizontal movement of a range of automation segments. Ramps are no longer created when a time selected range of automation is moved by nudging or dragging horizontally and is still partially within the original time range. Fades no longer snap to the Arrangement View grid. When connected, the Novation Launchpad S and Launchpad Mini control surfaces are now automatically selected in the Preferences.

Interface Improvements Improved Live's perfomance when resizing audio clips in the Arrangement. Added a gap between the handle and the track of the scrollbar in the Arrangement and Session View. Sharpened the appearance of the triangle that appears above bipolar knobs.

Adjusted spacing between devices and meters in device chains. Adjusted the color of the Arrangement Overview frame to increase visibility in dark Themes. Changed the color of Drum Rack label to increase visibility in the Dark Theme. Adjusted the spacing below Session View's horizontal scrollbar so that it is centered.

Adjusted the selection frame in device groups and corrected inconsistencies in the look and behaviour of the Sampler device. A track created by dropping a single clip into the Session or Arrangement View's Drop Area now inherits the clip color instead of the source track color. When dropping several clips at the same time, the new track still inherits the source track color, as before. Improved the playhead smoothness on Windows. Fixed permissions issues on macOS for non-Admin accounts.

Updated documentation for the Live Object Model. Multi-core rendering in Live is now supported if a Set contains Max for Live devices. Previously, there was a possibility that all MIDI notes in a key could disappear when stretched to an extremely small size e. This has now changed, and further stretching is not possible once notes reach a very small size. New Devices and Device Improvements Filter curve visualisations in Wavetable are updated in real time in cases where e.

Setup On Windows, Live now cleanly shuts down when a user logs out, shuts the computer down or reboots it. It also displays a message explaining why it is preventing the computer shutting down, giving the user 30 seconds to abort shutting down and save the Set.

Updated various info texts. Wavetable In Wavetable's Mod Matrix, the left column containing target names now features bars that indicate the unmodulated and modulated value of the respective parameter.

Additive modulation is indicated by a bipolar bar starting from the unmodulated value, while multiplicative modulation is indicated by a unipolar bar starting from the left.

When Live's transport is started or if there is a jump in beat time, Echo and Wavetable LFOs now update their phase if they are beat-synced. Previously, start and end markers for unwarped audio clips were erroneously quantized to the grid.

Creating a warp marker could trigger scrolling of the selected clip under certain circumstances. Previously it was not possible to adjust the loop start position in unwarped audio clips without quantization. A crash would occur when editing the crossfade between two very short clips. Fixed a crash when removing a device that showed a parameter in an additional automation lane while the mouse is hovering over the parameter's automation.

The "Select Track Content" context menu command would not work on multiple selected tracks. Automation Previously, when copying an Arrangement clip with existing automation to another track, automation would not be copied even if the target track and source track contained identical devices.

Also, if a track is created by dragging a clip into the Arrangement drop area, all automation is now copied over and set to the the correct time. Copying and pasting automation might lead to unexpected results, if the copied selection extended across multiple tracks. When pressing the Option Alt key and clicking on a track's Unfold Track button, the position of that track does not change. Live could crash on Windows when clicking on a breakpoint while holding the grid modifier.

Positioning fade handles with arrow keys was not working correctly. Browser AU plug-in default presets. Files from the "Current Project" label might fail to appear in the browser under certain circumstances.

File types unsupported in certain editions and when run as a ReWire slave e. M4A audio files would not show up in Live's browser anymore. Control Surfaces Added bank definitions to Wavetable for third-party control surfaces. File Handling Previously it was not possible to delete files or directories with names containing slashes.

Previously, toggling Automation Mode would create an Undo step. Plug-ins and Sets that are saved in directory junctions on Windows work again. Live would crash when launching the program by double-clicking a Live Set, in cases where the Live Set was corrupted. Fixed a problem which might prevent AU presets from recalling correctly.

Live's window contents no longer briefly flicker after changes to a hardware display setup. Depending on the language used in Live, the progress of the crash recovery wasn't visible on the splash screen because the text was clipped.

Improved the drag and drop handling on HiDPI screens. Previously, dragging a file from Explorer into Live would show the file at the wrong position in Live Windows only. Fixed a bug which caused text to overflow on top of the frame containing the browser's search field. Fixed a bug which caused clips to be incorrectly colored when readded to a Live Set, if an. Fixed a bug where sequences of visually short borderless notes would be nearly invisible if crowded into overlapping pixel areas.

Fixed a minor visual issue affecting corners in grouped devices. Fixed a minor inconsistency in the height of notes in Arrangement clips and clip previews. Upon loading a Live Set, the clip envelope parameter selection would not be restored in the Detail View. When double-clicking and dragging a slider control, the mouse cursor would not be hidden as expected, if Pen Tablet Mode was disabled. Meters in Live's mixer would appear as stuck when loading a Set. Improved UI performance on Windows when resizing Arrangement clips.

Fixed a bug which incorrectly applied bold formatting to chunks of text in the Help View. If HiDPI was enabled on a Windows 10 machine, the preview of a dragged object either dragged within Live or into Live would appear offset. If multiple audio clips were selected, changing a selection in the Detail View would create a wrong time selection in the Arrangement.

Removed inconsistent extra spacing from the context menu entry "Add Lane for Each Automated Envelope" in automation lane headers. Previously, some radio buttons in certain devices displayed unreadable text. On Windows, dropping files from Addictive Drums 2 into Live works again. When renaming Arrangement clips, the wrong mouse cursor would be displayed, making it difficult to insert the cursor at the desired position.

The grayed out text "Open Groove Pool On Windows, if a plug-in showed a modal dialog, the main window could not be closed while that dialog was being shown. Horizontal sliders are now black instead of white in the Dark Theme this is particularly noticeable for plug-in device parameters in the Detail View. Restored Hints functionality. Live could crash when deleting a Max for Live device which had a fullscreen window. Live's main window can no longer obscure all other windows when using Max for Live devices.

The Max patcher window is now correctly sized on Windows. Text in message boxes would sometimes appear cut off. Various nodesnames attribute improvements. Fixed issues with adding new objects to presentation mode. Seq object now properly records MIDI. Firewall permissions dialog is appropriately suppressed in the Max for Live editor.

HiDPI: improved drawing when changing Windows display settings. Max Authorization Window: improved wording and user options. Performing an Undo after Macro-mapping a Max parameter would leave that parameter unmapped and unusable. Live would crash when dragging a Live device on top of a Max for Live device. Mapping Device Rack Macros to a live. MIDI editor When folding an empty MIDI clip in a Drum Rack that contained at least one chain receiving all notes, the clip would fold to that chain only, whereas now the clip will not fold at all.

Also, when switching between audio clips while a warp marker was selected, the Seg. BPM box would erroneously show the tempo of the previously selected marker. This would also lead to jumps in the displayed waveform visualization when the tempo was adjusted.

In a multi-clip editing scenario, notes of all clips are taken into account, whereas previously only the notes of the foreground clip were considered. Additionally, fixed a bug which prevented the vertical zoom state from initializing correctly under certain circumstances. Fixed a few minor bugs in the MIDI Editor: when selecting one out of many selected notes, the selection would not revert to the selected note when opening the context menu while hovering over a background note, and then clicking outside of the context menu, the background note would remain in a hovered state when hovering over a background note, it was possible to highlight a momentarily invisible foreground note Multi Clip Editing Previously, the adaptive grid size of a newly created clip could sometimes be incorrectly calculated when multi-clip editing.

Navigation Tracks in the Arrangement View would scroll out of view completely when toggling Automation Mode if the highlighted track was not visible. When resizing an Arrangement track, only tracks whose header is selected will be resized. Previously, a track might be erroneously resized if a content selection existed on that track. When scrolling up and down in the Arrangement View using a mousewheel, the view would only move in very small increments.

Previously, when extracting a Drum Rack chain to a new track, the zoom level and time selection were erroneously applied to the newly created clip. When undoing the deletion of a note while in Arrangement View, the Clip View zoom level unexpectedly zoomed in to that note. Previously, scrolling the Arrangement's mixer section with a mousewheel was not possible.

Previously, the time selection status display would not get updated when selecting a clip in the Arrangement. The grid modifier would not toggle the grid when changing the time selection or moving the insert marker with the arrow keys. Dragging a device over a Session return track header that overlapped a group device chain header would cause erratic scrolling in Session View. Nested Groups Fixed a crash that occurred when duplicating a nested Group Track containing a plug-in with an active modal dialog while Live's second window was open.

New Devices and Device Improvements The Arpeggiator device could lead to crashes under certain circumstances. AU plug-in parameters might behave erratically when being controlled with the mouse, under certain circumstances. It was erroneously possible to tweak parameters in the expanded view of certain devices, even if the track was frozen. Under certain circumstances, some Wavetable and Echo parameters would not respond smoothly. Simpler's settings would not be recalled correctly, if the device was set to Slice by Beat and its playback was not warped.

Echo's timing would change when exporting audio at a different sample rate than the one currently in use. Under certain circumstances, Wavetable's polyphonic voice stealing would cause certain notes to get stuck.

A crash might occur when trying to preview a Live Clip in Live's browser, if this referenced a Wavetable device. The switches on the left side of the Glue Compressor device are now centered.

Certain parameter names would be truncated in the left column of Wavetable's Modulation Matrix. Dropping many samples onto a Simpler or a Drum Rack would take much longer in Live 10 than it did in Live 9. Live could crash when loading certain Wavetable presets from the Core Library.

Setup Fixed a bug which caused a "Preferences. Fixed a crash which occurred on startup under certain circumstances. On certain Windows machines, attempting to authorize Live 10 would fail. Live was not able to prevent entering Sleep mode or turning off the display on Windows.

Wavetable The animated sliders beneath the modulation target names would occasionally not appear in Wavetable. Improved Wavetable's impact on CPU under certain circumstances. Changes for Push: Push Improved the display of Live's color palette on third-party control surfaces.

Updated Push 2's firmware to version 1. This version contains the updated color palette for Live Envelope visualizations are now available for Wavetable on Push 2. It is now possible to select wavetables in the Wavetable device on Push 1. Push bugfixes: Push The clip color palette for Push 1 was updated to match the Live 10 color palette. The Push 1 browser would not display entries correctly if Live's language was set to Japanese.

Fixed parameter sensitivities for Analog and Impulse devices on Push 2. Push Device Visualization Wavetable's filter visualization on Push 2 might be displayed incorrectly after the Control Surface script was reinitialized. A device's color would not update correctly on Push 2 when moving the device to a new track.

Push 2's display failed to indicate that an automation existed for certain Wavetable filter parameters. Fixed envelope slope visualizations in Wavetable on Push 2.

Added missing parameters and icons for Operator and Analog's parameter banks on Push 2. Fixed a scenario where Push 2's display could crash when hot-swapping AU plug-in presets. The Note Settings view would close after touching an encoder, if all notes were being edited Push 1 and Push 2. It is now possible to copy, paste, duplicate and nudge a time selection that spans across automation lanes in multiple tracks. When an Arrangement selection resides on an automation lane, the text for nudging changes from "Nudge Clip s " to "Nudge Envelope s ".

While dragging MIDI clips, notes are drawn in the range of the target track. This enables seeing the content of the clips in the context of the target track. Automation It is now possible to extend a selection from an automation lane to the content lane of the same track. Introduced a "micro-snapping" behavior: clips, loop markers and warp markers snap to a grid line even if the grid is off, if the distance to that grid line does not exceed 1 pixel.

Browser It is now possible to add Factory Packs content to Collections. Capture Capture can now change the Set tempo, if a preferable interpretation is found. When overdubbing a loop in the Session View, Capture will choose the loop iteration with a significant amount of new material in it.

This is achieved via a context menu by right-clicking on the plug-in device either in the browser or in the Detail View. If the setting is disabled, the plug-in will appear much smaller in size, but this helps in cases where the mouse would behave erratically when trying to interact with the plug-in UI.

Improved the zoom cursor design to increase its visibility with all Themes. When dropping a sample on a Drum Rack pad, its border now appears in black or white instead of orange , depending on the Theme in use. Improved the 'Live 9' Theme. When editing multiple clips while zoomed out of the MIDI Editor, notes are now displayed in a shaded version of their clip color, so it is easier to identify to which clip they belong to.

The color of the little ticks that indicate a boundary between two very small notes has also been adjusted to improve readability.

Finally, in order to make high-precision note editing easier, notes are no longer displayed as selected when they are being controlled by the mouse e. Level meter ticks now match the color of the dB labels beside them.

Changed the width of tracks created by dragging and dropping something into Live. Updated the Mid-Dark and Dark Themes. Added minor color changes to Automation Mode. The Solo buttons have been updated to fit the new font. Improved the appearance of the Solo button icons. Minor improvements to the title bar of the multi-clip editor. Updated Ableton Sans Font: enabled use of additional diacritical marks, and correctly positioned them at the height of lower-case characters.

Increased the opacity of the clip content in Automation Mode. Live support exchanging SysEx messages with Max.

Mixing The number of audio-in buses for plug-ins has been increased to a total of eight inputs. Multi Clip Editing Improved the behavior of the Fold button when editing multiple clips at the same time.

Scrubbing in MIDI Clips now works when multi-clip editing: - Scrubbing in the Session View will play the clips as if they had been started at the same time, i. If the current selection contains several clips from the same track, clips will be chosen from each track in the following order: foreground clip, playing clip, triggered clip, first clip of the track. Scrubbing is currently disabled if one of the clips is frozen.

Note: the trigger line that shows where the clip s would start during the trigger state does not yet support multiple clips. This will be addressed in the future. Additional bugfixes: - Previously, the freeze layer on top of the scrub area was not shown for frozen MIDI clips. Improved the behavior of the Fold button when editing multiple clips at the same time. Navigation Audio tracks will be automatically named by the clips that are added onto them.

If there is a single session or arrangement clip in a track, then the name of the track will follow the name of that clip. If more clips are added, the track will stick with whatever name it got when there was only one clip. If all clips are removed from the track, the track will return to its default name. Refined zooming behavior in the Arrangement, to avoid scenarios where the view would jump to the middle of a selection if only one edge of the selection was currently visible.

Follow is now paused while breakpoints are created. Additionally, when replacing a sample already loaded into Simpler, the new sample will retain all the Warp and Loop settings. Added performance improvements to Wavetable and Echo. Real-time modulation signals are now visible at the top of Wavetable's Modulation Matrix.

Reduced the memory footprint of Wavetable. Also reduced occurrences of clicks in the audio when stealing voices. Macro-mapped controls in Wavetable now appear in the Modulation Matrix. Improved Wavetable's LFO display to make the visualization smoother and more consistent. Wavetable's Modulation Matrix headers are now clickable, allowing to jump to the respective modulation source panel.

This reduces energy use and heat, and improves battery life. Copying an Arrangement clip in Session View could create additional unwanted Session clips, under certain circumstances. Live would crash when loading a Live Set, if one of the tracks contained very short clips, and at least one clip was set to "Master" tempo in the Arrangement.

The Segment BPM box is now only editable when a single warp marker is selected. Also, when an audio clip's Warp switch is activated, or when an audio clip is selected, the first warp marker is now selected and the box is consequently editable. Nudging selected material in the Arrangement might lead to unexpected results, when entering or exiting Automation Mode after creating a selection. When deleting part of a clip within a fade-in, the fade-in no longer spans the empty space.

Fixed a crash that occurred when copying a time selection on a track containing Send automation, under certain circumstances. Nudging clips in the Arrangement was not possible when the time selection was made by dragging from right to left. When nudging a selection on an automation lane, the automation would be copied instead than moved. When dragging transient markers with the Shift modifier pressed, the transient markers would be deleted instead of moved.

Live would crash when moving at least three clips under certain circumstances. Bugfixes for time selection in Detail View for MIDI clips: when clicking the time selection header with an expanded time selection, the time selection would be lost.

Fixed a bug which prevented nudging Arrangement clips correctly, under certain conditions. Additionally, undoing the deletion of a clip could prevent the time selection from being restored. Live could crash when copying a frozen clip from Arrangement View to Session View.

Additionally, it is now possible to drag frozen clips from Arrangement View to Session View. Live could crash when extending the Arrangement Loop to very large time values. The clip content of the content lane and the main automation lane would visually "jump" by a small amount when toggling Automation Mode.

Moving a non-quantized Warp Marker via arrow keys did not work at certain zoom levels. Immediately dragging a Warp Marker after its creation would not work, if the Warp Marker was not created on the top of a transient marker. The grid modifier was not working when dragging immediately after the creation of a Warp marker. Adjusting multiple clip Gain settings at once would take an unusually long time. Automation Live would crash when importing a track with Send automation into a Set containing no return tracks.

Fixed a bug that affected content selection behavior in the Arrangement, in cases where a previously existing parameter was removed by e. Arrangement automation is no longer lost when duplicating a device using the Duplicate command.

Clips no longer lose their MIDI controller or warping parameter modulation envelopes when dragged to a different track in the Arrangement. Copying, pasting and nudging a non-contiguous selection in automation lanes for multiple tracks could lead to erratic results. Fixed the shape of the right-most automation segment's active mouse area. On Windows, automation curve editing is now only possible if the modifier was already pressed at the time of the mouse-down, to avoid disabling the grid instead.

When moving the fade-in end past the fade-out start and then back within the same mouse gesture, the fade-out start would not be restored to its prior length. Moving the fade-in start could affect the fade-out start even though they were not touching.

An unexpected fade-in would erroneously appear after removing a crossfade from two crossfading clips. Unwanted time signature automation would be created when duplicating time, if the time selection was not aligned to bar boundaries.

The Automation Mode "A" shortcut key toggle was not mentioned in the respective menu entry. A wrong grid quantization was applied when creating breakpoints in proximity of a breakpoint segment while the grid was set to "Off".

Added various improvements for adding and editing automation breakpoints. Glue Compressor's "Release" parameter. Automation lanes would not be deselected after folding a track and creating a selection in a different track. When selecting the automation lane in a nested track, the Group Track's automation lane would erroneously retain the selection, if this previously existed.

It is now possible to drag an automation lane time selection to the content lane of any track. Previously, this was restricted to the same track. Browser When one of the the Packs folders was favored, browsing its sub-folders via Collections might display the wrong content. Live would crash when trying to relocate a missing user folder in the browser, if the user folder was the root of a drive.

When selecting an audio file in the browser, the wrong file would be previewed if a sample with the same name was previously selected. Folders listed under Collections labels could exclusively be sorted by name. The browser color labels would not update correctly in some situations. When displaying the second browser column, this appeared empty until its label was clicked once. Capture When overdubbing in Session View, only one loop iteration is created before the new captured material.

File Handling Live would crash when restoring a Live Set after a crash, in cases where the Live set had been saved after undoing a manoeuvre. A crash would occur when adding a folder to Places, if the folder name contained an emoji character. Under certain circumstances, recovering a Live Set after a crash was not possible. Live could crash during a crash recovery under certain circumstances. Live could crash when loading a clip under certain circumstances. Changes to the Global Launch Quantization were not undoable when applied via the 'Options' menu.

Live would crash when an AU plug-in instance which couldn't be loaded was removed from a Set. The indexer process could crash on OS X when saving songs,if their filename contained slashes. Also, fixed a bug that caused the loading of a lesson accompanying a Live Set to fail, if the song had a slash in its file name. Live would crash during a Live Set recovery, if the original file name contained certain caracters.

Improved the logic in the mechanism for importing MIDI files in Live, which previously could lead to unexpected results. If an audio file's name contained certain characters, those characters would not be correctly displayed when importing the file in Live.

When undoing an action after Saving a set, saving the Set again was not possible. Increased the preloaded sample file regions for warped samples in Simpler, in order to prevent sporadic drop-outs. The Undo history would be compromised in cases where the Max installation could not be found, or Max could not be started. Furthermore, Live would endlessly attempt to load referenced patches, when Max was not available. Solved an issue where drop-down menus might appear misplaced on Windows, in multi-monitor configurations.

Items in the Global Quantization drop-down menu would not be highlighted when hovering with the mouse. Improved the handling of multiple program windows on Windows.

Previously, Live occasionally prevented bringing other programs to the foreground. Improved the responsiveness of interactions in the Arrangement UI e. In the Session View, clip envelope modulation was displayed in the wrong color. FIxed a bug which, under certain circumstances, might cause certain UI elements to disappear.

Adjusted a visual inconsistency in the gap between the meters and devices. Previously, the cursor would inadvertently move away when clicking in the beat-time ruler, if Follow was active. Improved the readability of the text that appears in a plug-in device when the device is not available, when the Mid-Dark and Dark Themes are in use.

When performing a drag and drop of a track into a Group Track in the Session View, the vertical drop indicator would not be displayed correctly. The resize mouse cursor would not be shown in the Arrangement Overview, under certain conditions.

Scrolling in the Arrangement might lag severely on Windows, under certain circumstances. Animations and meters would temporarily freeze during mouse movements, under certain conditions. Applied a lighter color to the Electric device so that the parameter labels are readable in all Themes.

It was not possible to input alternate characters from the character candidate window on OS X, when renaming items in Live. The height of default MIDI and audio tracks and tracks created by dropping devices is now the same. Added minor visual improvements to the Mapping Browser. The background color of the "Arrangement Position" field in the Control Bar was displayed incorrectly when Link or the Metronome count-in were enabled.

The text for the Tension device's toggle buttons would fail to appear when using a Dark Theme. When a Dark Theme was in use, selected Rack Chains might fail to display certain icons. When a non-contiguous selection exists in the Arrangement, no selection color is visible in the gaps between two non-selected tracks anymore. Adjusted the width of the clip preview in Session View while performing a drag and drop action.

Fixed a bug which could cause the text in the Help View to be truncated by the scrollbar.



Ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free.Live 10 Release Notes


The functionality of the Oxygen Pro control surface script has been drastically changed. Updated the bundled Max build to cree 8. For a complete Max 8. Interface Improvements. Midi Recording and Editing. Improved Live's history for Automation Mode. It is now possible to edit the value of a time selection in an automation lane with no events. When right-clicking near the dotted line inside the selection, abletkn "Edit Value" context menu command allows entering a value for the selected segment.

In automation lanes, the Automation Transform handles now snap at the top and bottom positions, and at the opposite top and bottom corner positions. Snapping is indicated by a less transparent frame color. Control Surfaces. Multi Clip Editing. New Devices and Device Improvements. Mousewheel zoom events now can resize all the highlighted content tracks in the Arrangement View.

Previously, this exclusively worked for tracks whose headers where selected. Live 10 Release Notes Specifically: The Rewind and Fastforward buttons fere now rewind and fastforward the Arrangement position. Turning the Encoder will now scroll the Session frame up and down. Holding the Encoder down and turning ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free will scroll the selected Scene up and down. Fixed an issue where the Session frame was visible suihe when the hardware ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free not connected.

The faders now always control volume. The Faderport 16 still requires manual setup, but Faderport 16 and 16 XT will appear in the control surface dropdown menu.

On Windows, pressing "Alt" in Live now shows Menu Accelerator Keys to open ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free bar items, as is the behavior in standard Windows applications.

On Windows, Live once again detects if it could not create a directory because one already existed. Alternatively, if grouped prior to setting the MIDI routing between the two, Live would also crash when attempting to ungroup the pair once the routing was set. Grouping and ungrouping within the device chain will now behave as expected. Full Screen mode is still available using the "F11" key.

Previously, under certain circumstances, Live appeared to hang because the UI could not be drawn. Previously, installing many Live Packs at once caused Live's installation dialog window to become too big rfee unable to be used properly.

Fixed an issue where the Track Solo feature of the Ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free control surface script did not work correctly. Live will show and use.

Fixed ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free crash that could occur during video export when using an external display as the primary display on MacBook Ablehon macOS. Live is compatible with Apple Silicon computers running Rosetta.

With the Launchkey MK3 control surface script, it is now possible to continue playback by holding down the Shift button and pressing the Play button. Previously, a visual glitch could appear around the Groove Pool selector button, under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue where a pending auto-update would sometimes not be applied libe downloading. Note: this fix only affects auto-updates to future versions of Livf. Previously, the Operator device could crash or calculate inaccurate frequencies when its Fixed Mode and Spread parameters were enabled. Live's window no longer turns red when loading a Set детальнее на этой странице missing plug-in devices.

Previously, Live would hang when turning its audio engine off, under certain circumstances. Fixed a bug that prevented certain low-resolution plug-in libe from scaling correctly on macOS.

Fixed a crash that could occur when cancelling an "Export Audio" operation during the "Wait for silence" step. Fixed a crash that could occur when running certain plug-in devices. When the Vestax VCM is detected by Live, its control vmware workstation 12 old version script will now be automatically selected and set up. Shift-key functionality once again works as expected in the Clip View's Sample Display.

Previously, Packs would change icons upon being assigned a color in ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free browser. The Max device error view description text now follows Live's selected theme. Fixed some bugs: - Certain VST3 plug-ins that are not defined as instruments e. Previously, cropping an unwarped clip could produce a clip whose loop markers were outside the sample. When saving a Set for the first time, self-containing the Set or creating a Pack using Live's File Manager, Live would incorrectly enable the Warp switch for such clips.

Fixed a crash that could occur when using certain VST3 plug-ins. Previously, when cropping an unlooped MIDI clip whose loop was outside the audible region, Live would hang when enabling the cropped clip's loop. A memory leak and subsequent crash on macOS has been fixed when Live's window is not being interacted with for a prolonged period of time.

Every Push 2 user will get a firmware update ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free v. This firmware version fixes an issue ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free caused some displays to appear upside down. Metal support is disabled on OS X Added more Live theme colors to Max for Live. When the Pedal device is disabled, the Pedal Type chooser switch now appears in the correct text color.

When the Glue Compressor device is disabled, the text labels around rotary switches now stay in the same place. Updated various info texts, and improved some info text translations microsoft office professional plus 2016 crack free Spanish and French languages.

Жмите сюда Fixed hanging that could occur when dragging a compressed sample into Live, under certain circumstances macOS only. Previously, an erroneous message would appear in the Status Bar when deleting an audio file within a folder in the Places section of the browser.

Fixed lagging that occurred in the browser's search field when the Sounds label was selected. Previously, a Macro Control's range settings were not correctly updated when that Suitr Control was ilve controlled by a Max for Live device. On first start, Live now only selects Simplified Chinese as the UI language if either: - the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese; or - the operating system region is set to the People's Republic of China excluding Taiwan and special administrative regions such as Hong Kong and Macao.

On frer, if the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese, Live now asks for permissions e. Live could crash when closing a window, a drop-down menu, or a context menu, under certain circumstances. Pressing and releasing Clear will still delete the current 10.1. In the Launchpad Pro MK3's Device Mode, the last selected parameter bank of each device instance will now be recalled upon reselecting the device instance.

When Live is set to Japanese, the formatting of lesson texts in the Help View is once again displayed correctly. Previously, Live would not respond to mouse clicks if a dialog opened while another application was in focus macOS only.

Previously, newly-created clips sometimes did not inherit their track color. Devices In the Wavetable device, Undo commands performed on changes to user wavetables should now work as expected, and provide more meaningful undo descriptions for parameters that previously only displayed the default "Change Value" Undo action description.

Previously in the Echo and Delay devices, the first repeats of the audio signal were repitched, under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue that caused intermittent dropouts in the DS Kick device.

Fixed a crash that occurred libe loading Live Sets, under certain circumstances. Fixed a ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free that created unintended fade-ins, under certain circumstances. Fixed the display and editing of continuous parameters in VST3 plug-in devices. Where supported, VST3 plug-ins now use a linear knob mode. Previously, Live's Preferences were reset after updating to a new version, under certain conditions. It is no longer possible suife change parameter values in a Max for Live device, if the track containing that device is frozen.

Info texts and Help View lessons now have Chinese translations. Recording automation for multiple device or mixer parameters together will now result ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free less steps to undo on Push. While recording on Push, pressing the Fixed Length button near the end of a segment of time that corresponds with the Global Quantization setting will cause Live to wait until that amount of time is elapsed before stopping the recording.

When Push is connected, other control surfaces will no longer conflict with the automatic track arming behavior of Push. When using multiple Push control surfaces, they will no longer conflict with each other's automatic track arming behavior. In the Novation Launchpad Pro MK3 controller's Device Mode, the last selected parameter bank of each device instance will now be recalled upon reselecting the device instance. Max for Live Default Max for Live devices now use live. Fixed a bug ab,eton prevented undo and redo operations upon creating a computer keyboard mapping, as well as redo operations after deleting a computer keyboard mapping.

Fixed a visual glitch that appeared when moving the mouse over an automation envelope. Previously when dragging ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free velocity marker, the mouse cursor would jump back to its initial position. When using an encoder on a MIDI controller to control a device parameter with discrete values, the control functionality will no longer be inverted.

Devices Previously, when instantiating an Audio Unit plug-in, Live would sometimes display an error message about a folder that could not be created. Previously, after replacing a Max for Live device and then undoing the operation, the wrong device name would be displayed.

Fixed a crash that occurred after unfreezing a track containing Wavetable, and then deleting the Wavetable device. Parameter banks in the Wavetable device will now be correctly mapped to control surfaces. Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting and freezing multiple tracks containing the External Instrument device. If a track with a plug-in device is unfrozen, has its plug-in parameters or preset changed, and is frozen again, it will now record new audio instead of using the old frozen audio file.

Max for Ableton live 10 suite 10.1.1 free devices that are not visible are now correctly notified of active state changes.


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